Designated Workspaces Help CREATE ACCESS!

For Organizations, Schools and Groups Only

At PLA, we understand the critical role of a conducive learning environment in fostering academic success. That’s why we offer an additional service to set up designated workspaces to enhance the learning experience. Our service ensures reliable and quality technology, creating a safe and efficient space conducive to focused learning. With a focus on accessibility and longevity, our workspaces are designed to host years of tutoring or training sessions while remaining versatile for other functionalities. Experience the difference with PLA, where we prioritize creating optimal learning environments for every student.    

Personalized Learning Environment

Each workspace can be customized to suit the organization needs and preferences. 

Peace of Mind

Parents and educators can rest assured knowing that students have access to a safe and secure learning environment. 

Collaboration Opportunities

Students can collaborate, develop academic and soft skills, access career development resources and more

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Quality Education + Leading Edge Technology

For Organizations, Schools or Groups, contact us to learn more about our education + technology bundles. Live Tutoring or Skills Training Programs + the technology you need to get started with setting up your workspace(s). Just like PLA prioritizes Quality Education and Virtual Learning, we also work with the most reliable vendors for online-learning technology and recommend a laptop and headset configuration for best result. Though PLA’s Virtual Learning Centre where sessions take place, is accessible by all devices including tablet. 

Bundle #1

Enroll three students in PLA’s Comprehensive Tutoring Program for at least four months, with 1-2 sessions per week per student, and receive three new laptops + headsets ideal for online learning.

Bundle #1

Enroll six students in PLA’s Comprehensive Tutoring Program for at least four months, with 1-2 sessions per week per student, and receive six new laptops + headsets ideal for online learning.

Bundle #1

Enrolling over 10 students in PLA’s Comprehensive Tutoring Program? Contact us below for a tailored solution and receive optimal technology for online programming.

Is your Organization looking to setup a Designated Workspace?

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